Health Care Transformation Announcement
The Vermont Agency of Human Services (AHS) is advancing health care reform initiatives to support Vermont hospitals and health care providers. These care transformation efforts aim to address Vermont's high health care costs, improve patient access to quality care, and strengthen our community health systems.
This work builds upon, but does not implement, the Act 167 Community Engagement Recommendations report issued by the Green Mountain Care Board last fall. That report identified many important challenges and potential solutions. It is now up to all of us as Vermonters, hospitals and communities to identify feasible strategies and solutions that address local, regional, and statewide needs.
AHS is beginning to work directly with hospitals and primary care providers. AHS has hired the Rural Health Redesign Center (RHRC) to work with hospitals and primary care providers to make the changes necessary to be more efficient, better serve patients, and adapt to a changing health care environment. Their work will include:
Providing technical assistance with budgeting, planning and change management to both hospitals and primary care providers
Supporting hospitals develop transformation plans with short-, medium-, and long-term steps to greater financial sustainability
Creating a system for providers to share information and learn from one another.
Through this collaborative effort, AHS is committed to helping communities create innovative solutions that result in a more equitable, integrated, and sustainable health and human services care delivery system where every individual receives the care they need, when they need it, without barriers. By fostering a more coordinated and accessible health care system, we aim to address the complex health and social needs of individuals while preserving the vitality of our Vermont communities and the well-being of those who call them home.